Identify and release the physical symptoms, core events, beliefs and behaviours that underpin your anxiety. With Hypnotherapy and EFT it is possible to regain control over your physical sensations & emotions, release triggering thoughts and memories and boost self esteem and confidence. Sessions are individually tailored to suit your needs and goals. Sessions differ from talk therapies like Counselling and Psychology- by working with physical symptoms, where we store tension in the body we can change the way it is encoded in the nervous system with thoughts and memories. When your body feels relaxed, your mind relaxes.
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Clear and release fear, tension, pain and intrusive memories. In this program incorporating Hypnotherapy, self hypnosis and EFT you will learn tools to aid profound relaxation, gently let go of negative memories, limiting beliefs and behaviours and set goals for the future. Each session is unique, taking you through a process of gentle change and self discovery. Unlike traditional talk therapies where you are required to re-tell your story, we focus on the physical sensations in the body and release the patterns of pain, stress and inflammation gently. By de-activating the way the body has stored symptoms of stress we also change the neural pathways that link old triggers. Lasting relief is possible without having to disclose painful memories at all if preferred. 3 Sessions Recommended.
Chronic Pain is like a fire alarm that has not been shut off; healing has occurred however the neural pathways that are sending the pain message from the brain are still active. The OldPain2Go™ process is a fast and effective technique that recalibrates those neural systems and resets your internal alarm system, so that it can be alert to warn you of new danger. I am a certified practitioner of OldPain2Go and in my first training session, let go of trapped nerve pain in my elbow, arthritic pain in my wrist and fingers and 25 year old knee pain. Testimonials from people around the world can be found here.
A single session of Hypnotherapy has been shown to impact not only beliefs and feelings positively but alter the expression of 15 genes that enhance stem cell activity and reduce cellular stress and inflammation. (Rossi et al, 2008)
Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT) combines the tapping of acupressure points with the fingers and elements of mindfulness, exposure therapy, EMDR and self hypnosis. EFT has recently been shown in a pilot study to regulate over 70 genes involved in immune function, tumour supression, insulin regulation and inflammation in just a single session. (Maharaj, M. E. 2016)
Hypnosis and EFT have been shown in clinical trials to be effective in reducing the symptoms and severity of many inflammatory bowel diseases, for a deeper understanding of how the hypnotic process can support you, please refer to these case studies on MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Polymyositis, Autoimmune Pericarditis and Alopecia.
"Chrissy is so good at what she does. I have had 3 treatments with her to help deal with some of the effects of cancer treatment and other emotional issues and these have been enormously helpful. She has also given me techniques that I can use to help myself at any time. I highly recommend her services to anyone." - Catherine Seal, (Online Hypnotherapy and EFT sessions)
For most people, a diagnosis of cancer results in feelings of shock, anxiety, overwhelm, disbelief and grief, releasing a cascade of stress hormones throughout the body which in turn can disrupt sleep and lead to adrenal fatigue, placing even more stress on the immune system. I support people to come to terms with their diagnosis and release the intense feelings and emotional triggers around relationships, hospitals, treatments and outcomes and provide hypnotherapy audios to aid sleep, boost the immune system and relieve discomfort.
Many people report nausea, fatigue and pain whilst undergoing cancer treatments. Hypnotherapy and Tapping (EFT) have been clinically shown to reduce nausea, fatigue and pain at this time. More recently, studies have also shown that Hypnotherapy and EFT boost immune function through regulating gene expression. (see research below) Reiki Healing is also available to support the relaxation response and immune system.
A review of clinical trials showed that " hypnosis may help treat symptoms of nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients, manage pain in a variety of contexts, and also reduce levels of anxiety and overall distress around surgical and medical procedures, both in children and adults. Emerging research shows promise for treating hot flashes in women with breast cancer." -The role of Hypnosis in Cancer Care, L.Carlson et al, 2017. In one study the hypnotherapy group had a significantly higher frequency of days where positive feelings were greater than negative (85% of days versus 43% of days for the Control group). Postoperative complications and hospitalizations for the hypnotic intervention group are significantly shorter than the norm. Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT) combines the tapping of acupressure points with the fingers and elements of mindfulness, exposure therapy, EMDR and self hypnosis. EFT has recently been shown in a pilot study to regulate over 70 genes involved in immune function, tumour supression, insulin regulation and inflammation in just a single session. (Maharaj, M. E. 2016)
To see a demonstration of how EFT (Tapping) can support healing after a cancer diagnosis, watch the video below.